Al Aziziyah Metro Station

Al Aziziyah Metro Station

The Villaggio Mall metro station is conveniently located on the Gold Line of the Doha Metro, making it a quick and easy way to reach the luxurious shopping destination. While not directly connected to the mall, the closest station is Al Aziziyah Station, just a short 12-minute walk away.

Metro Lines via Al Aziziyah:

Preceding stationFollowing station
Terminus (Al Azizyah)Sport City
Al Aziziyah Metro Station
Al Aziziyah Metro Station

Services at Al Aziziyah Metro Station

  • Car parking should be accessible and easy to manoeuvre.
  • Entrances and reception areas should be well-signed and accessible.
  • Lifts, doors, toilets, and horizontal movement should all be accessible and easy to manoeuvre.
  • There should be clear signage for means of escape in case of an emergency.

Al Aziziyah Metro Station to Villagio

The shortest way to get from Al Aziziyah Metro Station to Villaggio is by car. It is only 0.1 km away, and it takes 1 minute to get there.

Neabr Station

Where is the Al Aziziyah metro station?

The Al Aziziyah metro station is located in Doha, Qatar. It has a 4.8-star rating on Google Maps. You can see it on Google Maps.

How much is the metro ticket in Qatar?

A standard metro ticket in Qatar costs 2 Qatari riyals per journey, while a gold club ticket costs 10 riyals. There is also a daily cap of 6 riyals for standard tickets, so you will never pay more than that in a day. Doha Metro is not free, although children under five can ride for free. The cost of Doha Metro was approximately 8 billion Qatari riyals.

Map of Al Aziziyah Metro Station

Here are the Location, bus routes and stops:

About sakilsheikh

Sakil Sheikh

Hi, I am Sakil Sheikh. I have been living in Doha, Qatar, for five years. I have been doing a job in a Qatar metro station. I know metro station routes, times, and cards.

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